Common Core Nuggets

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All the apps in this collection were developed with Geometry Expressions. Don't see the app you want? Purchase Geometry Expressions and develop it yourself.

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Area Formulas

Area Formulas 6.G.1

This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 6.G.1 for 6th grade mathematics.

Equivalent Expressions

Equivalent Expressions 7.EE.1

This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 7.EE.1 for 7th grade mathematics.

Pythagorean Theorem

Pythagorean Theorem 8.G.6

This collection contains apps that will help teachers implement Common Core Standard 7.EE.1 for 7th grade mathematics.

Zeroes of a Parabola

Quadratic Zeros A-SSE 3a

This collection contains applets that will help teachers implement Common Core Algebra Standard A-SSE 3a for High School Mathematics.

Horizontal dilation function transformation (insane periodic)

Building Functions F-BF 3

This collection contains applets that will help teachers implement Common Core Functions Standard F-BF 3 for High School Mathematics.

The y=cos(x) function translated from a circle to a graph

Trigonometric Functions F-TF 2, 3, 5

This collection contains applets that will help teachers implement Common Core Function Standard F-TF 2, 3, 5 for High School Mathematics. Some of these applets address the modelling standard.

Interactive visualization of the least squares line method

Statistics S-ID 6a, b, c

This collection contains applets that will help teachers implement Common Core Statistics Standard S-ID 6a, b, c for High School Mathematics.

Hyperbola construction from a circle, with trace

Conics G-GPE 1, 3

This collection contains applets that will help teachers implement Common Core Geometry Standard G-GPE 1, 3 for High School Mathematics.